Body Section:
<div class=”container”>: This creates a main container element likely styled using the “container” class in the external CSS file.
<div class=”wrapper”>: This creates another container element likely styled using the “wrapper” class. This might be used for layout purposes.
<div class=”password-box”>: This creates a container element likely styled using the “password-box” class. This seems to be the section where the generated password will be displayed.
<input type=”text” disabled>: This creates an input field where the user can see the generated password. The disabled attribute prevents the user from modifying the text in this field.
<i class=’bx bxs-copy’></i>: This creates an icon element likely styled using the “boxicons” library classes “bx” and “bxs-copy”. This might represent a “copy” icon for copying the generated password. (Note: The actual icon display depends on the box icons library).